Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No More Nun Net

Hi to everyone,

Its Wednesday night at the moment and its still so hot. Ill start back on Monday, Hollie and I are on day campers this week, which means that after brekkie we have to wait for the girls that only come to camp on a daily basis. We have to check them in and put their bags and stuff in the day camper room then head to flag raising and activities as normal. Then during rest hour we have to play with them and stay in the day camper room. The after swimming we have to make sure that they get changed and get ready to go which is a nightmare when you have 18 little girls ranging from 5 to 10yrs who are all taking their sweet time getting changed or “excuse me, excuse me I cant find my shirt” “I cant find my shoes” “whose got my socks”??? Ohh the pain!! But on the plus side we don’t have to do evening activity with the overnight campers, which mean we are off after dinner which is nice.

On Tuesday it was pirate’s day so we made our costumes from old white t-shirts and drew skulls and cross bones on them and I had drawn a treasure map on the back of mine and cut up the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. We drew scars on and had bandanas and swords which was cool. Hollie looked very authentic with her new beard she had grown over night (brown eye liner comes in handy for beards) I think she suits a 5 o’clock shadow. We had a special pirate cake and they played pirate games in land sports and dived for treasure (rocks sprayed silver) in swimming and looked for sunken ships in boating, it was fun dressing up but not as good as Halloween.

Tuesday night Kel, Sarah, Ola, Hollie, Kasia and I headed to Plymouth as some of us had today off. So we went to ‘Waterfront bar and grill’ which was a restaurant and bar, it was ok had a cocktail which was terrible couldn’t even finish it. The drinks here seem to be so strong and all you can taste is the alcohol and not the mixer, so it feels like your throat is burning with every sip. We stayed for a few drinks but decided that the guitar player wasn’t much chop so we headed across the road to ‘East Bay bar and grille’ they didn’t have any music playing but the bar was busy – no talent though just the same old 60 & 80years!! Few drinks here and then onto ‘T-Bones’ which we were told was where the “younger” crowd is (we had been told this before but unfortunately their version of young is 35 +). So anyway by this stage it was about 11.45pm and bars close at 12.30 so we practically ran there.

Got in and yes the crowd was younger but not anything special and no one our age really, but on the flip side there was KARAOKE!! So we signed up had a few more drinks and waited our turn. “Next up we have Camp M Girls” Whoo hoo that’s our call so we got ready and belted out it was funny as we have 1 CD that we have been playing over and over again as its all we have back at the cabin and that song is on it and gets frequently replayed. Also Hollie is a massive glee fan and they apparently sing a version of it which is also on the CD. We thought we sounded great but someone recorded it for us on a camera and we sound like a bunch of cats on a hot tin roof!

More drinks and more dancing, Weston and 2 of his friends met us at the bar and partied for a bit. 12.30pm and it was time too go so we headed back to Weston’s friends house to continue the party. All was good until they pulled out joints and started smoking them?? Really, what is with this place I mean no young guys all oldies, every second man and his dog seems to smoke weed!! This place sucks, anyways in the meantime one of the girls, not naming names has this complete blank look on her face and is not responding to anything we ask….lets just say that a ordinary old Tuesday night with one 2 many wines can end up in bright pink projectile vomit!! Oh my god it was the funniest thing but we had to get her into the bathroom asap call Borat, who by the way knew exactly where we were when I told him the address???

So back in the taxi got dropped at camp, running back through the woods, past the nuns house, past death view and back into the safety of swamp view! Phew glad we made it all back in one piece even if some of us a bit worse for wear at about 2.30am!

So Wednesday morning I was up at the crack of dawn and ready for breakfast at 8 even though it was our day off some of us went down and had a bagel we then returned and went back to bed, feeling sorry for ourselves. We all finally resurfaced at 10/10.30 and decided we needed some hang over food so we got ready and called the cab company and arranged a pick up, as Borat is the one that usually comes and picks us up because he works at night, we thought we should go out and wait for the new day driver out the front of the camp so they would know where to go. So waiting, waiting,waiting for this cab when we ring them to ask where the cab is they tell us they are already there waiting? What….so we run back down to find Borat out the front of the office waiting for us, this guy must never sleep.

Dropped of out the front of T.G.I Fridays, a restaurant in ‘Colony Place’, we all got either steak or ribs. I got the ribs and they were great had so much left over I got it in a doggie bag for dinner that night (because I can tell you now after 5 weeks of eating frozen reheated food I will gladly have my lunch as left overs!) So after our delicious food hitting the spot we though we would take a look around the shops that they had which were nice and I’m sure if it wasn’t so hot and we hadn’t been out the night before we would have liked it a bit better. So last stop was Walmart and then Borat to the rescue once again.

Back at camp we all crashed out for a few hours until the kids and other counsellors came back from mini golf, thank god I didn’t have to go on that trip as the girls said it was absolutely horrendous, so hot with crying screaming kids because they were scared of the pirates! Went down to the swamp had a quick dip and then back home to go to bed.


Just a quick add on - its now Friday afternoon and I have hit the wall of so tired, haven’t slept well for the past 4 weeks waking up during the night not being able to go back to sleep, I think on Wednesday I had a total of 2 hours sleep! It also doesn’t help that im on the lounge and the house is so hot. So last night had my shower got ready for bed had a read on some NYC books and took 2 sleeping tablets put on my eye mask and away I drifted, I only woke up once which was great.

I think everyone is getting tired we are all snappy at the kids, being grouchy and having 8 girls in this small house is not working at all apart from the fact that we have 1 bathroom and when some one is in the shower you have to wait to use the toilet. Everyone’s stuff is everywhere, my ipod has gone missing, so yesterday I had a big clean up got all my crap together and then tidied the lounge but still no luck so fingers crossed that it will turn up somewhere.

Tonight is campfire night and all bar 3 of the day campers are sleeping over tonight and all the girls are off and Hollie and I are back in the dorms to cover for the weekend! Tomorrow is meant to be hot so we have to take the kids to the beach, which I have been told by the counsellors who went last week with the kids, has no shade, the smallest ‘beach area’ you have ever seen and half of it is pebbles, and 2 or 3 weeks ago it was closed due to high amount of bacteria in the water! Great way to spend Saturday and to top it all off we have to sit through Mass as well.

Ok so now its Monday and ill skip back to Saturday. Friday night we spent in the dorms with kids not to bad they went to bed around 11ish. Up early no sleep in and off to breakfast, all the other girls had left early for ‘Martha’s Vineyard’. We had 9 campers left and they all wanted to go to the mall but Suzanne said unless it was raining then we had to go to the beach. Got to the beach round 10.45am and it was dismal not only did you have to pay to get in, it was grey overcast and windy. We had our jumpers on and the kids just sat on the beach with their towels wrapped around them. ½ an hour later they were asking to go home! Then sun made a small appearance and 4 of the girls went in for a dip. The beach was pathetic nothing like ours, even Hol who lives in Blackpool England said she has better beaches at home and that is definitely saying something! Finally after putting the kids off we went up to the little kiosk asked to use their fone and called Suzanne to come pick us up at 2pm.

Back at camp it was time for mass, Hol and I were getting the girls readying praying (LOL) that we didn’t have to go, Suzanne - “oh no girls your fine you don’t have to come”. Phew sweet ½ hour off to snooze in the sun. The girls came back and we hung out with them till dinner, then a movie for the girls and Skype time for me. It was nice seeing everyone and catching up on everything it’s been ages. I’m glad it was pixel-lated cause there were quite a few tears I must say.

Sunday the girls got back and I was meant to have a sleep in, in the dorms as breaky wasn’t till 9.30am. Every day the campers are hard to get up its like 7.45am and they are still sleeping so I thought yay sleep in ill get them up at 9.15am and we’ll head down………..not likely they were up at the bloody crack of dawn 7.30 I could hear them jumping and screaming about so ‘Girls get back into bed its not even 8 o’clock yet your meant to be sleeping in, lie down and go back to sleep….NOT HAPPY JAN”!!! Then Suzanne comes in and gives 2 of them packages they got sent – great they are now all up eating the lollies they got and being very very noisy, oh get me outta here!

During breakfast some guy wanders down into the pavilion and Suzanne jumps up and goes over to him and he says we was after Sarah from Wales as she left her watch at the bar last night and he wanted to return it. Oh shit Suzanne was so pissed she called a meeting straight away and we all got told off for telling people where the camp was especially ‘strange men’ she was not happy at all and we got all our privileges taken away……which was getting to use the old bomy camp car once a week to go to walmart (which just started last week) Bugger hay, then she called me and Hol in and apologised to us as she said she knows we weren’t there and that it wasn’t directed at us which was nice.

We asked the girls later what happened and they said that Martha’s Vineyard was nice and then they went to the pub on the island caught the ferry back to the cape and hit up Borat for a ride back into Plymouth. Partied in Plymouth and had a good time then Marie the Swedish girl disappeared with some guy and wasn’t to be seen again that night, she later turned up at 8am the next morning at the staff cabin. Anyways the girls meet some guys and went back to their place and one thing lead to another and they were all in a hot tub! Dam me and Hol missed out on a good night out!!

Sunday nothing really happened just hung around. This morning (Monday) got up early to Skype Ash which I was so looking forward to and the bloody nun net isn’t working!! Such a shame not sure when it will be back up and working hopefully soon as we were going to book NYC tickets and hostel today too. We think it may have been disconnected as part of our punishment but not really sure. Going to the mall tonight check it out and have some time out maybe a movie.


So now it’s Tuesday night and we still have no nun net available! And this blog is getting longer and longer. Yesterday Sarah (from Wales) got some terrible news that her father is quite unwell and she had to make the awful decision to stay at camp or go home. She eventually made the decision to go home which was so sad for us but right for her. Later that night Hollie, Ola and I went to the mall and the rest of the girls meet us there a bit later we decided to skip the movie we had planned on watching and headed to Plymouth to have a our last drinks with Sarah. It was nice and I think she enjoyed her wine. Then old mate Borat picked us up, quick detour through macca’s and then onto Wal-Mart. This time Borat got out and did some of his shopping with us! Then back home to ‘Swamp View’.

Getting ready for bed we hear Sarah shrieking from the bathroom ‘RAT, RAT’ AARRGGHHHH Hol, Verena and I jumped up on the bunks screaming to kill it. Sarah runs out, we don’t move off the beds and brave Kel and Ola jump in the bathroom to try and catch the little critter (which it turns out is a mouse). In the meantime I’m busting for a wee and I am definitely not using the rodent infested joke of a toilet. More screaming from us as we hear the 2 brave mouse catchers jumping around in the bathroom. Kelly was so funny – like the mouse whisperer haha she was talking to him saying “its ok little mousey were not going to hurt you just come on out and well put you outside”. Bloody thing’s lucky it wasn’t me or I’d have tried to kill it before I’d be trying for a catch and release! Good thing I was scared and trying to cling onto the bunk bed praying it wasn’t going to come into our room!

Finially the girls said they couldn’t catch him and gave up. Hollie decided she couldn’t hold it in any longer and went to the toilet. Just as she was hoping off the dam thing ran out across the floor. Next thing you know more screaming Hol dashes out of the bathroom jumped back onto the bunk bed and we send Kel and ola back in to finish of the job properly. They were good at their job with the rubber gloves on it was time to catch the little B. Finially after much coaxing from Kelly, Ola nabbed him and swiftly ran out onto the porch and launched him into the back into the bush where he belongs. Oh what a night I was glad to get into bed but felt on edge all night that the little mousey wasn’t going to come back for revenge.

Today it was all finalised and she packed her bag and got ready to go. We were all so sad we put together a little package for her from all of us, a card, polish flag, koala and kangaroo, bracelet, tiny bottle of vodka!!, a camp t-shirt we all signed, some panadol’s and some sleeping tablets. We all were very teary and upset. Its like Kel said it doesn’t feel like we have only known each other for 6 weeks, its like big brother I have decided. We are all living in each others pockets 24/7 and all your feelings and emotions are magnified – so strange. So Kate, now my very own Stacey has left the building, but I have vowed to go visit her in Swansea-Wales when I head to the UK later this year which I am very excited about! Sarah hope you make it home safely and everything turns out for the best xox.

Today at camp we had the Olympics where the camp is split in half and they complete in their lessons and then at the end of the week the scores are tallied up and we have a big afternoon of races and silly games – the kids seem to like it . We have also had to change the day of the trip this week as it is meant to be raining on Wednesday so its now Friday. Everyone is going on the trip so we all have Saturday off and some of us have booked into the hairdresser’s which is getting me through this week I think. I am so looking forward to it and cant wait to have a nice head massage and relax for a few hours, we have already scoped the place out (one of the ladies who I work with in arts and crafts is really nice and funky –Sue, she gets her hair done there and recommended it to us) and for lunch we think we will head to the pub. Its in a small town called ‘Hanover’ about 25mins away so we will need to book Borat.

Tonight we all gathered round and watched ‘Couples Retreat’ on my lap top, it was a bit squishy but I liked the movie. Then off to bed thank god no mice sightings as yet.Fingers crossed no more will be seen.

Cheerio for now xox

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